Monday, November 01, 2004

Beware..someone may be snooping!

This is my first post and I hope the spirit of Blogs are not challenged as the story in Red Herring goes.Who said blogging is writing yr own point of view..this story actully goes on to show that it could actually be a death blow to the very spirit of right to expression.
It seems relly painful to see that corporate snooping has reached to such levels where even such forums are been challenged.Of couse, these people are their ambassadors, but they have a right to express their opinion too. I think blog would make these idiots actually learn about the problems faced by their customers(incld. their employee) and take steps to address them.This could be the best way of geeting customer feedback instead of investing tons of money in assessing customer satisfaction levels through MR only.
Check the story out at the link below:

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