Monday, December 13, 2004

Top 50 Thinkers

There is an interesting piece of information which I came across recently.The study lists the greatest management thinkers of the present time based on certain parameters.The top 10 seems to throw no big surprises as such.But what the lists points out as well as the study poignantly describes the contribution of the American thinkers in the field of management which is vindicated by the presence of 70% of Americans in this global survey of thinkers.

There are two Indians in the study-the late Sumantro Ghoshal of LBS and the ubiquitous CKP,whose provocative thoughts have influenced the present generation and their firm belief that India is in the threshold of greatness (argued way back in the beginning of 90's) .In fact, there is only the venerable Kenichi Ohmae of Mckinsey from Japan who features among the list of visible asians in this study.It is really a shame that the largest continent and where three-fifths of the population lives could contribute only three thinkers in the list of fifty.Why does India with so many reputed management institutions have not even produced a single thought leader in all these years.(CKP is from the first batch of IIM-A,but I strongly argue that it could have never made him what he is today as there was hardly any research opportunity availablein India .Sumantro"World Class" Ghoshal worked as a trainee in one of the indian PSU and later moved on to LBS).This is perhaps linked intrinsically to the lack of research initiatives on part of the management institutes in India.These institutes can't exonerate themselves from the blame that they have failed to produce any thinkers in all these years of their existence.The story of the other management institutions(mostly private) is a pity.The corporates too are to be blamed as they have never looking towards management institutions as places of leadership,thought creators but just as a source of procuring good human resource capabilities.This has failed to create the type of bonding between the academia-industry which is prevalant in the US.Until we create such form of long lasting sustainable relationship, we can't expect to see any other faces in the next list of Great Thinkers.Lastly,Indians should remember that sitting quietly won't help and one has to go for self branding to make their thoughts heard.(Learn to promote from people like Tom Peters or Mr.Porter)
Of couse, not the say the Europeans fare no better.They have a strong representation from the Scandavian lobby(not incld Peter Drucker) and the famous Briton Charles Handy.It must also be wondered why the Europens are also lagging in producing great minds compared to the Americans.They seem to lack the American savvyness of generating ideas and writing books and participating in various events which could put them into limelight. There are some excellent work done by some of the independent institutions in Europe but to make yourself heard you do need to tell the world that you exist!

And lastly, I ponder how could Naomi Klien be listed among one of the top 50 thinkers,of course not questioning her contribution as a journalist as well as in the field of management too.And why are the names of people like Michael Cusumano or Lester Thurow missing? Any answers..

Thinkers 50 2003.
1 Peter DRUCKER 2 Michael PORTER 3 Tom PETERS 4 Gary HAMEL 5 Charles HANDY 6 Philip KOTLER 7 Henry MINTZBERG 8 Jack WELCH 9 Rosabeth MOSS KANTER 10 Jim COLLINS
11 Sumantra GHOSHAL 12 CK PRAHALAD 13 Warren BENNIS 14 Peter SENGE 15 Robert KAPLAN & David NORTON 16 Stephen COVEY 17 Edgar H SCHEIN 18 Chris ARGYRIS 19 Kenichi OHMAE 20 Bill GATES 21 Kjell NORDSTROM & Jonas RIDDERSTRALE 22 Clayton CHRISTENSEN 23 John KOTTER 24 Nicholas NEGROPONTE 25 Jim CHAMPY 26 Andy GROVE 27 Scott ADAMS 28 Richard PASCALE 29 Daniel GOLEMAN 30 Naomi KLEIN 31 Chan KIM & Renee MAUBORGNE 32 Don TAPSCOTT 33 Michael DELL 34 Richard BRANSON 35 Edward DE BONO 36 Ricardo SEMLER 37 Thomas A. STEWART 38 Geoffrey MOORE 39 Jeff BEZOS 40 Paul KRUGMAN 41 Lynda GRATTON 42 Alan GREENSPAN 43 Manfred KETS DE VRIES 44 Robert WATERMAN 45 Watts WACKER 46 Patrick DIXON 47 Geert HOFSTEDE 48 DON PEPPERS 49 Stan DAVIS 50 Fons TROMPENAARS

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